Sitemap: # exclude help system from robots User-agent: * Disallow: /manual/ Disallow: /manual-2.0/ Disallow: /manual-1.3/ Disallow: /addon-modules/ Disallow: /doc/ Disallow: /images/ Disallow: /site_images/ Disallow: /errors/ # the next line is a spam bot trap, for grepping the logs. you should _really_ change this to something else... Disallow: /tilaus/ Disallow: /order/ # same idea here... Disallow: /admin/ # but allow htdig to index our doc-tree #User-agent: htdig #Disallow: # disallow stress test user-agent: stress-agent Disallow: / User-agent: BecomeBot Disallow: / user-agent: NASA Search 1.0 Disallow: / User-agent: Screaming Frog SEO Spider Disallow: / # Yahoo: User-agent: Slurp Crawl-delay: 5 User-Agent: MJ12bot Crawl-Delay: 5 User-Agent: Googlebot Crawl-Delay: 3 User-Agent: Bingbot Crawl-Delay: 5 User-agent: Blekkobot Crawl-delay: 5 User-agent: AhrefsBot Crawl-delay: 5